Always Beautiful in Your 30’s
Celebrate and Enhance Your Looks
In your thirties, you’re building a career, raising a family, and discovering who you are. But maybe that person isn’t reflected in the face (or the body) you show to the world. Though you feel great in your thirties, you’ll notice a change in your youthful good looks as your face and body visibly age. It’s harder to lose weight. You’ve got more wrinkles, and your skin isn’t as taut as it used to be. But don’t worry. Whether you want to enhance your figure, or just look more youthful, rested and refreshed, there are several options you can consider. A breast lift or tummy tuck can help you regain your pre-baby figure, and liposuction can get rid of those stubborn bulges that don’t respond to diets.
You may be too young for a face-lift, but still want to plump facial lines, reduce under-eye hollows or smooth wrinkles through a non-surgical face-lift. Read about our revolutionary Natural Fat Transfer technique! These and other treatments can help your outward appearance reflect your inner confidence.
Enhance, Firm and Sculpt.
Many procedures—from cosmetic surgery to Dr. Koplin’s unique natural fat transfer technique—can give you the look you want. Common improvements for people in their thirties include:
- Breast lift, breast augmentation, or breast reduction —Look (and feel) your best with firm shapely breasts.
- Tummy tuck (Abdominoplasty) ¬ — Lose your belly fat and tighten your abdominal skin and muscles!
- Liposuction or Body Contouring — Shape those areas that exercise doesn’t help.
- Natural Fat Transfer — Reshape your face without surgery with the revolutionary natural fat transfer technique pioneered by Dr. Koplin.
- Eyelid Surgery – Look more youthful and alert. Make putting on eye make-up a breeze again.
- Laser Resurfacing — Skin smoothing to tighten skin, remove age spots and stimulate collagen production.
- Botox® — Smooth away lines and look refreshed
To learn more about Natural Fat Transfer and other rejuvenating procedures, click here to view informative videos.
Turn Heads.
Tips for Beauty in your 30’s and 40’s
- Re-think your cleansing routine. Skip the soap and water in favor of a mild cleanser. Don’t wash too often; cleansing your face more than twice a day can remove protective natural lubricants.
- Add antioxidants To your diet and to your skin care routine. Protect yourself from free radicals by eating anti-oxidant-rich foods (fruits, vegetables and legumes) and using creams that contain Vitamins E, A and C, amino peptides, green tea, and/or Coenzyme Q10.
- Sunscreen. Still. Always. Remember to apply sunscreen often, and don’t forget your hands and neck. Reduce sun exposure, and shun tanning beds. Glow with health instead, or opt for a bronzer or good sunless tanner.
- Balance your diet. A poor diet eventually takes its toll on your health and your looks. For optimum health, make water your beverage of choice. Try a Mediterranean diet: its wealth of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and fish keep you trim and help you to load up on antioxidants.
- Natural Fat Transfer — Reshape your face without surgery with the revolutionary natural fat transfer technique pioneered by Dr. Koplin.
- Stop smoking – now. It will brighten your skin now, and reduce wrinkles later— by up to 60%.