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Is Breast Reduction Surgery Right For You?

Breast reduction can be performed at any age after breasts are fully developed. Childbirth and breast-feeding may affect the size and shape of your breasts. Feeling self conscious about you breast size, heavy, sagging breast or back and neck pain? Breast reduction can help.


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How is a Breast Reduction Performed?

A breast reduction procedure, also called reduction mammoplasty, removes excess breast tissue and skin, making your breasts more proportionate in regards to the rest of your body. The areola (pigmented skin surrounding the nipple) may be reduced and repositioned as well.

You and Dr. Koplin will determine the specific method for your breast reduction, taking into account your anatomy and desired results. There are three styles or techniques available, all of which Dr. Koplin is experienced with and utilizes according to the patient’s specific need.

The simplest technique uses an incision and scar around the areola, and is beneficial for reducing the size of the areola and a small amount of lift/elevation. It is generally not used for reducing large breasts.

The next technique is called a Vertical Lift or “Lollypop”, and can be used for both uplifts and reductions. A vertical incision from the bottom of the areola to the fold under the breast is added to the incision around the areola. This combination adds the shaping power to create a tight, uplifted and perky breast with a minimum of scars. It works best for younger women who have good elasticity and tone of their breast skin.

The final technique is called the Anchor pattern, and can also be used for both uplifts and reductions. It adds an incision along the fold under the breast to the Lollypop incisions, and is best for patients who have poor skin tone and elasticity of their breast skin.

After Dr. Koplin has reduced the excess breast tissue, he raises the nipple to a higher position and reduces the areola, which is usually larger than ideal. Skin is tightened in a way that both shapes and firms the breast, giving it projection and lift. Dr. Koplin may use liposuction or natural fat transfer (lipoinjection) to improve the breasts’ contours. The nipples and areolas remain attached to the underlying breast tissue as they are moved to their higher position – much like a button being moved to a higher buttonhole. This allows maximal chance for preservation of sensation and the ability to breast-feed.

Your Breast Reduction Procedure

Safety and Comfort with Anesthesia
General anesthesia is the gold standard for this operation. Under this type of anesthesia, you are fully asleep; there is no pain and no awareness. Safety and comfort are paramount. Your anesthesia provider has a wealth of experience in surgical procedures, safety, and care.

Fully Staffed Recovery Room
You will spend one to two hours in a fully-monitored and state-of-the art recovery room at the surgery center. Your registered nurse will be at your side every moment to attend to your safety and comfort.

Recovery and Convalescence

After your breast reduction procedure, you will be placed in a soft surgical wrapping for comfort and support. Dr. Koplin almost never uses drains or tubes with this type of surgery. You should be walking under your own strength immediately after your breast reduction surgery, and enjoying a normal dinner at home. It is very important that you walk a few minutes every few hours to reduce the risk of blood clot formation in your legs.

You have several options for recovery: you may choose to have professional care, to stay in a recovery center, or recover at home. If you wish to recover at home, you must have someone stay with you the first night. We’ll send you home with specific care instructions, as well as information about medications that can aid healing and reduce the potential for infection, specific concerns to look for at the surgical site or in your overall health, and when to follow-up with Dr. Koplin.

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You may be a good candidate for breast
reduction if you have any of the following
conditions or feelings:

    • Back, neck or shoulder pain caused by the weight of your breasts
    • Heavy, sagging breasts with very low nipples and areolae
    • Breasts that are too large in proportion to your body frame
    • Skin irritation beneath the breasts
    • Restriction of physical activity due to the size and weight of breasts
    • Feelings of self-consciousness about the large size of your breasts
  • One of your breasts is noticeably larger or lower than the other

Dr. Lawrence Koplin

Attention to detail, expertise in surgical technique, and pioneering work in the area of Lipotransfer (natural fat-transfer) sets Dr. Koplin apart from other surgeons. For nearly 20 years, he has used a combination of these techniques to add natural softness and shapeliness to areas of the body, including breasts.

More about Dr. Koplin

State-of-the-Art Operating Facility

Your custom procedure will be performed in a brand-new, state-of-the-art facility associated with our medical office. We are fully accredited by Medicare and AAAASF, and are held to the same standards as an operating room in a private or university hospital.

View Dr. Koplin’s Credentials

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Your Breast Augmentation Consultation

Dr. Koplin will personally meet with you so that he understands your expectations and desired outcomes for breast reduction. He will consider such factors as the size and shape of your breasts, the quality of your skin and the placement of your nipples and areolae.

Dr. Koplin will ask you a number of questions about your health, desires and lifestyle. He’ll need to know your medical history and the results of any mammograms or biopsies. It’s also important to tell Dr. Koplin if you are planning to lose a significant amount of weight, especially if your breasts typically become smaller with weight loss.

What to expect the first two weeks after Breast Reduction:

First Week:

A day or two after surgery, you should be up and about. While it will take several days to return to more normal activities after your breast lift, it is important to your recovery that you be out of bed and relatively active.You may need to sleep on your back to avoid pressure on your breasts.

We’ll likely see you the morning following your surgery, at which time we’ll remove your supportive bandages and place you in a soft comfortable bra (which we provide).

Most of our patients are showering the second day after surgery!

Dr. Koplin exclusively uses dissolving sutures that are hidden under the skin, so there are none to be removed and never any “Frankenstein” marks!

Some discoloration and swelling will occur initially, but this will disappear quickly, with any residual swelling resolving within a month or so. The first few days following your breast lift, you may feel stiff and sore, although many patients remark that they have absolutely no pain after surgery. Your breasts may feel tight and sensitive to the touch, and your skin may feel warm or itchy. You should not lift, push or pull anything, or engage in any strenuous activity or twisting of the upper body.

Second Week and Beyond:

You’ll be able to return to work in a week or two, depending on the level of physical activity required by your job.

You’ll also be able to resume most of your typical activities, including some form of mild exercise, after several weeks.

You may continue to experience some mild, periodic discomfort during this time, but such feelings are normal. Severe pain should be reported.

The appearance of your breasts will change. It typically takes three months or longer before you achieve your final look and feel to your breasts.

Incisions will initially be red or pink in color. They’ll heal and fade over time. Dr. Koplin carefully conceals your incisions in areas easily covered by clothing, even low-cut necklines. We will spend quality time with you after surgery to carefully monitor the progress of your healing and interact in whatever appropriate manner is necessary. This may include scar creams (such as BioCornium®), silicone gel strips, tapes containing medications and laser therapy.

Case Results
Results vary for each individual.
