Tag: rule of threes

First-Time Brotox Patients Receive 10 Free Units!

Hello Brovember!

In honor of Brovember, we’re offering first-time Brotox patients 10 FREE units through November 30!


We’re celebrating the men in our lives.

The goal of Movember is to “change the face of men’s health”–so we thought, why not change the face of men’s wrinkles!

Botox is a fabulous way to maintain a youthful glow—rejuvenate, refresh, and restore the face.

Early adoption of Botox is the best way to prevent wrinkles, postpone surgery, and minimize the need for expensive facials and products.

The Rule of Threes

Not only does Botox prevent wrinkles, it also has an equally powerful effect—it weakens muscles! This phenomenon, called “disuse atrophy,” occurs when a muscle is continuously unused over prolonged periods of time. This is the genius of the Rule of Threes: using Botox every three months for a minimum of three years effectively weakens the muscle so that eventually it can be used less often to create the same effect.

Benefits of Botox:

  • Protects your skin
  • Prevents wrinkles and smooths fine lines
  • Provides long-lasting maintenance and beauty
  • Creates a healthier more youthful complexion

Doctors Tip:

Wrinkles don’t stand a chance if you relax them every three months. Let us help you make your Man Plan.


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