

We all strive for and admire extremely successful, talented people – in business, in art, in music, even (selfishly) in medicine. What many of us fail to understand is the amount of blood, sweat and tears all successful people invest in the journey. “Outliers” is a book by Malcolm Gladwell which brilliantly peers into a number of outwardly unrelated success stories: hockey stars, The Beatles, Bill Gates and others. It is an easy, fascinating read which I cannot recommend highly enough.

The three components all share are a mix of talent, hard work and passion. No successful person achieves and grows success without all three. The super-successful mix in a fourth component: good luck and good timing. Neither has any meaning without the three lynch-key basics of talent, hard work and passion. Why? Because we have to be ready for luck and timing to find us. When they do, the combination of good fortune and good preparation are unstoppable.

Take the time to consider how you apportion your talents each day, and try to focus them on the highest goals and biggest dreams.